Lift: Advanced - How To Prepare
Lift: Advanced - How To Prepare
Introducing LIFT: Advanced 4-Week Challenge!
This program is open to ALL FITNESS LEVELS! The only thing that makes it "advanced" is the progression in training format from the previous two LIFT programs!
🙌🏻 Wondering what to expect? Or what equipment you’ll need to participate? KEEP READING…
What To Expect: This is an 4-week progressively programmed strength-based workout program designed to transform your body, increase your muscle mass, strength, and mobility - all from the comfort of HOME.
The format: Each week includes six new "done-with-you" strength-based workouts…
(2) upper-body, (2) lower-body workouts, (2) shoulder & core workouts; as well as (1) rest day.
The schedule: This strength-based program utilizes a 6-day split training format working upper-body/abs and lower body muscle groups on opposing days.
Workout length: Individual workout times will vary based on the number of reps and sets being performed each workout but you will need approximately 20-30 minutes/6 days per week including the warm-up and cool down.
The equipment: Wondering what equipment you'll need? Take a deep breath, here is a short-list of items you'll be using over the course of the 4-weeks!
• Medium to Heavy dumbbells: You will likely need different sizes based on muscle groups being worked. If you do not have multiple dumbbells laying around at home, highly suggest you invest in adjustable weights that go up to 50 lbs and increase in 5lb increments. Nordictrack has the best version (narrow width handle) for women in my opinion. Here's a link to buy them on Amazon:
• Exercise bands: Long loop: - I like this one because it comes with attachments like a door anchor and handles.
• Exercise bands: Short loop: - I like these fabric bands because they don't bunch pinch or roll!
• 3FT Foam roller:
• Mobility stick (or end of old mop or broom):
• Hip Thrust Band:
• Lifting Straps:
• Yoga mat:
• Slant board*: *You could also use a stair or a stack of books!
• Ankle weights: or a "Monkey Foot":
🙌🏻 Wondering what dumbbell weight to choose? It depends on YOU and your current level of strength!
To figure this out, go to a sports supply store that sells dumbbells and try out different weights! You will likely need different sizes based on muscle groups being worked. If you do not have multiple dumbbells laying around at home, highly suggest you invest in adjustable weights that go up to 50 lbs and increase in 5lb increments. Nordictrack has the best version (narrow width handle) for women in my opinion. Here's a link to buy them on Amazon:
Don't want to invest in adjustable dumbbells before you get started? Here’s how to choose your weight…
LARGE MUSCLE GROUP WEIGHT SIZE: You should perform 10 reps of “bent-over dumbbell rows” (google what it looks like if you don’t know) choosing a heavy enough weight that by rep 10 you feel like you could only do 3 more reps at that weight if you were forced to. To determine your SMALL MUSCLE GROUP weight size: Perform a one-arm standing bicep curl for 10 reps. Choose a weight that you feel is so challenging you could only do 3 more reps if pressed at that weight.
ARE YOU READY TO GET STARTED? Excited? Nervous? Have questions? Let me know below! 🥰